Brexit Referendum und die Folgen für englische Internate - Ein Ausblick und positive Rückmeldungen der Schulen

Dauntsey's School - on Sailing Boat Jolie Brise


Europa und Großbritannien verarbeiten nach wie vor die Ergebnisse des Referendums. Uns scheint es zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wichtig, die Situation in einen konkreten Kontext zu stellen und die Perspektiven darzustellen: Großbritannien ist einer der größten Handelspartner Deutschlands und die beiden Länder sind die viert- und sechstgrößten Volkswirtschaften der Welt. Mehr als eine Viertelmillion Deutsche leben in Großbritannien. Die Verbindungen zwischen den beiden Ländern sind tief und gefestigt. Daran ändert auch das Ergebnis des Referendums nichts.

Großbritannien bleibt vorläufig ein Mitglied der EU. Und die Austrittsverhandlungen werden sehr wahrscheinlich ergeben, dass das zukünftige Verhältnis der EU zu Großbritannien dem aktuellen sehr ähnlich sein wird. Übrigens: Großbritannien ist nicht Mitglied des Schengen-Raumes, daher müssen alle europäischen Schüler und Studenten schon immer bei der Ein- und Ausreise ihren Pass vorzeigen.

Tausende Schüler aus Europa und der ganzen Welt schreiben sich jedes Jahr an englischen, schottischen und nord-irischen Schulen, Summer Schools und Universitäten ein. Und die Gründe, aus denen diese vielen Schüler nach Großbritannien kommen, sind seit jeher die gleichen – die Schulen und Colleges sind Exzellenzzentren der Lehre und des Lernens. Das wird auch in Zukunft so sein. Genauso wie Englisch die Sprache der Weltwirtschaft bleiben wird – ein guter Anreiz, sie schon in der Schulzeit perfekt zu erlernen.

Großbritannien ist heute dasselbe Land wie vor dem 23. Juni 2016! Schüler aller Nationalitäten werden dort mit offenen Armen empfangen.  Es ist nun wichtig, sich nicht vom Ergebnis des Referendums irritieren zu lassen, sondern in die Zukunft zu blicken: Wir freuen uns weiterhin darauf, mit Schülern aus der ganzen Welt und mit britischen Schulen zu arbeiten und bieten ihnen unsere volle Unterstützung an – für hoffentlich viele weitere Jahre.

Als anglo-deutsches Unternehmen sind wir bestens dazu in der Lage, Schüler und Eltern zum Schulbesuch in Großbritannien zu beraten. Für uns zeichnen sich hierbei kaum Änderungen ab.

Zusammengefasst bleibt zu sagen: alles geht weiter wie bisher. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns mit allen Fragen – wir freuen uns!

Rückmeldungen der Schulen

“Our community will not be divided by politics, whatever the honest differences of opinion on economics, self-government or bureaucratic control. We are a school of 36 different nationalities and we have always been immensely proud of that fact. Let us not forget that the Box Hill School mission has always been to foster global citizenship and we are more committed to this ideal now than we have ever been.

I can reassure you that for Box Hill School it is business as usual.

I have been reminded over these last few turbulent days of the need for tolerance, respect, critical thinking, resilience, strength of character and kindness. All of these attributes are at the centre of a Box Hill education and we are proud to espouse them. As usual we will continue to embrace internationalism and celebrate our cultural differences. “ - Box Hill School

“We pride ourselves in nurturing a tolerant and inclusive place in which to learn. We are a community which not only accepts, but actively encourages, a broad cross-section of cultures into our classrooms and boarding houses. Our International pupils are an integral part of who we are and our British pupils are richer for their presence. In February, the ISI Inspectors called our School “a model of harmonious coexistence.” Young people from almost 50 nations live together and thrive here. Every single one of them is enriched by that diversity. Experiencing a multitude of cultures prepares them perfectly for the globalized futures they face, wherever they may live. In my view, it also simply makes them better people.” - Bromsgrove School

“Following the EU Referendum vote by the UK to leave the EU, we want to reassure you that this will not change the College’s current processes and approach to admissions.  We see the relationships we have fostered across Europe and beyond as key partnerships for us and look forward to continuing to develop these.” - Clifton College

“This is an apt moment to remember that an international perspective has been part of the DNA at Gordonstoun since our foundation over 80 years ago - as you know by a German - Kurt Hahn, who also inspired Salem.  Since then students from Germany have been a constant and welcome presence on the Gordonstoun campus, both at Gordonstoun and The Gordonstoun International Summer School, undoubtedly influencing the very essence of Gordonstoun. 

Let me be clear about this: at Gordonstoun, we not only welcome international students, we see the rich mix of nationalities and cultures as a central part of the Gordonstoun education for all students.  This belief sits alongside our outdoor and service programmes as an integral part of educating our students for life in the world beyond school.“ - Gordonstoun

“Notwithstanding this outcome, Hockerill Anglo-European College will continue to value and pursue international understanding and inter-cultural collaboration. We remain committed to our international core values, distinctive College ethos and the diversity of our community.  We believe that our international students inspire a linguistic and cultural breadth and dephth that is fundamentally important for our community. For us, an international dimension is an essential and tested pre-requisite for a well-rounded, high-achieving and twenty-first century education. The international Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, Middle Years Progamme and immersice language teaching of European and other Languages will continue to be central to our curriculum and our exchange programme and strong relationships with education partners across three continents will support us in our mission to produce responsible, global citizens.” - Hockerill School

“We wish to assure you that Rossall continues to see itself as a truly international school and we remain committed to our international friends.

Rossall has a truly global outlook and we are extremely proud of this. The combination of UK students and students from all around the world creates an exciting international dimension. The appreciation of diverse cultures, religions and politics, the opportunities for students to connect and network with others from across the globe is a significant part of what makes Rossall the school it is.” - Rossall School

“Loretto remains fully committed to being a multicultural, international school and our European pupils are a very important part of our community.” - Loretto School

“St Leonards is a proudly Scottish school in the UK, with an international outlook. In spite of the disappointing vote in the EU referendum, St Leonards and Scotland remain firmly in favour of close ties with our European neighbours. Scotland as a nation voted overwhelmingly in favour of remaining in the European Union. St Leonards is distinctively the only school in Scotland solely to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma after IGCSEs and will continue to do so. We confirm categorically that St Leonards and Scotland welcome international students, in keeping with our well established "open doors" tradition. “

Our school ethos and entire curriculum points towards creating powerful global citizens who understand and appreciate the world we live in. The International Baccalaureate Diploma supports global thinking and the ability to study worldwide, not just the UK but anywhere.” - St Leonard’s

“I very much want to reassure our valued agents and all your families that pupils from Europe and indeed the rest of the world will continue to be just as welcome at Sedbergh as they have always been. The contribution that our international pupils make to the Sedbergh community - in our classrooms, music rooms, boarding houses and on our stages and sports fields - is immense. Our UK pupils benefit from their presence in so many ways, some tangible and others less so, and the end result is a school with a globalised outlook that will equip all our pupils for their futures.” - Sedbergh School

“At Stonyhurst, we are delighted to have, and are enriched by the presence of, the nationals of other EU member states among our pupils. We sincerely hope and trust that this will continue to be the case in the short, medium and long term future. We will certainly do all we can to see to ensure it is as straightforward as possible, and as beneficial, as currently for EU nationals to attend Stonyhurst.

We have been offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma at Stonyhurst for a few years now, and the IB continues to be a great success at the College. It is our firm intention to continue to offer the IB (alongside A Levels) in the future.” - Stonyhurst School

“Today, more than ever, I want to reaffirm that Wells Cathedral School will remain a global institution through our outlook, attitudes, people and enduring - and future - international partnerships. I also want in particular to address our students and families from all countries of the European Union. We value you enormously – your contribution to Wells Cathedral School life is intrinsic to the school and all it stands for.

We will continue to support our EU students, families and staff, and work with them through the questions and confusion over the coming weeks, months and years. We need you! And we will do this as an important part of our support for all members of our community, at home and abroad.” - Wells Cathedral

Link zu unserem Statement vom 24. Juni 2016

Im Artikel erwähnte Schulen
