
Find out relevant information about boarding schools and summer Schools in England and Scotland

International Summer Schools 2024: Feedback from our students

Stanford & Ackel supported around 150 students during their summer stay in 2024. This is feedback from our families about their experiences at British summer schools.

St Clare-s Summer School - Schüler auf dem Campus (Contentful)

Playing School Hockey in the UK

Hockey holds a special place at British boarding schools, with dedicated training sessions and competitive matches that allow students to grow and excel in the sport.

Repton School - Hockey Goalie

VAT on British Boarding School Fees

Starting January 2025, a VAT will apply to fees at UK private schools. Learn how boarding schools are adapting and what this means for families.

sevenoaks-school (3)

The International Baccalaureate and the UK IB Boarding Schools

IB - Insights to the international qualification, including a 2024-23 and 2022-23 ranking of British IB boarding schools from our IB-expert Nigel Paddock

St Clare's, Oxford - IB Students are cheerfully holding up their IB diplomas

VAT for British boarding schools - status 18/07/2024

On July 4th, new elections led to a change of government in the British Parliament. What does this mean for private school fees in England?

Student writingonwhiteboard

British Council Education UK Agents Training Certificate für Stanford & Ackel (07.07.2017)

We are very pleased to inform you that Mr Philipp Ackel has successfully passed the British Council Agents examination with distinction.

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