Sport Scholarships at UK Independent Schools

Oakham School successful hockey school in the UK.
Oakham School ist ein energetisches und bodenständiges IB Internat in England, das hervorragende akademische Ergebnisse erzielt.
Oakham School successful hockey school in the UK.
Oakham School ist ein energetisches und bodenständiges IB Internat in England, das hervorragende akademische Ergebnisse erzielt.
Published at 1/20/2014 - 1 min. to read

In most schools, sport is a fundamental part of education. Students compete in a wide range of disciplines including: Rugby, Football, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming, Netball, Horse Riding, Athletics and Golf.

In most schools, sport is a fundamental part of education. Students compete in a wide range of disciplines including: Rugby, Football, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Swimming, Netball, Horse Riding, Athletics and Golf.

Gifted and talented children can peruse both their athletic and academic goals. They can be awarded a reduction in fees.

Certain schools specialise in particular sports. Stanford & Ackel has been successful in placing athletes at the appropriate schools for many years and can help you with your application.  

Further information to boarding schools in the UK and costs.

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