Millfield English Language Holiday Courses

Millfield Summer School - Aerial
Millfield Summer School - Aerial
High quality English language tuition with a full sports, social and cultural programme in a safe independent school environment
Discover brilliance at Millfield

Millfield School is probably the most famous sports school in England. Its campus and facilities are outstanding. During the summer, students are able to improve their English whilst enjoying playing their favourite sports.

The Millfield English Language Holiday Courses (MELHC) offer English language tuition for students aged 12 to 17 years old together with a full activity, social and cultural programme. The courses are accredited by the British Council and teachers are appropriately trained to teach English as a Foreign Language.

Find out more about the boarding school Millfield School.

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Millfield Brilliance Activity Programme

Students can choose from the following courses (15 hours per week).

English is taught exclusively in the "English Option" course.

  • Creative Arts
  • Multi-Sports
  • Outdoor Adventures (GBP 400 additional cost)
  • English Option
Millfield Summer School - Englischunterricht

Afternoon Activities

The morning programme of Millfield Summer School offers students the opportunity to choose from a variety of creative and sporting activities. The school's first-class facilities are used, providing students with exceptional opportunities to discover new interests.

Activities include:

Badminton, Basketball, Choir, Cooking, Dance, Drama, Esports, Fashion, Fine Art, Flash Mobs, Football, Frisbee, Golf, Hockey, Karaoke, Music, Photography, Squash, Tennis, Touch Rugby

Millfield Summer School

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