SAES Englisch Abiturvorbereitung

SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Englisch-Abiturvorbereitung
SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Englisch-Abiturvorbereitung
Study programmes for students to prepare for their final exams and different international qualifications in UK and Germany.
"Tradition meets Progression"

SAES’ was founded by Janet Muth and is fairly unique as the courses offered concentrate specifically on the needs of German students. They specialise in the preparation for the German ‘Abitur’. Students are grouped by country, ability, G8 and G9, as well as Higher Level and Standard Level. The “Abitur” preparation courses are highly successful.

Apart from English as a Foreign Language, the focus is on examination techniques and learning strategies, placing a particular emphasis on English in its written form. The courses are held four times a year (Easter, summer half term, summer and winter half term). Courses include 2 one-on-one lessons. It is also possible to book additional one-on-one lessons and there is a course on offer consisting of purely one-on-one lessons.

The courses take place in the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge University and accommodation is available in these colleges or with host families. Cambridge SAES also offers courses for lower year groups.

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These intensive courses are specifically designed for the German school system. Classes are grouped according to county, G8 or G9, as well as Standard Level or Higher Level.

All courses include two one-on-one lessons. Further one-on-one lessons can be booked.
Specialised individual support can be givven in the Private Course, consiting of one-on-one lessons only.

Students can choose to add further extras to their course, such as:

  • TOEFL Test
  • IELTS Test

Students revising for their German "Mittlere Reife" will find according courses SAES in Cambridge.

SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Maßgeschneiderte Kurse nach Bundesland, G8 & G9, Grund & Leistungskurs


In England

  • Preparation for the German Abitur (in Oxford)
  • Upper School Preparation/ Mittlere Reife (in Cambrigde)
  • Preparation for the International Baccalaureate Programme (Oxbridge Tutorial College)

In Deutschland

The one-week coures take place in cities such as Munich, Düsseldorf and Potsdam. Accommodation can be booked additionally.

  • Preparation for the German Abitur
  • Upper School Preparation
SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Gezielte Vorbereitung auf das Abitur


Students can choose to live in university accommodation or at a hoste family.

SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Englisch lernen in der Traditionsuniversität

Easter & Whitsun Courses

SEAS Muth also offers courses in the Easter and Whitsun holidays.

  • Easter: 12th April - 26th April 2025
SEAS Muth Oxford Summer School - Leben und Lernen in der Universitätsstadt Oxford

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