
Find out relevant information about boarding schools and summer Schools in England and Scotland

Laura’s Unforgettable Summer Experience in Market Harborough

Brooke House Summer School testimonial by Laura, 13 years old.

Brooke House Summer School - Ausflug - Gruppenfoto in London

Information Event in Munich, September 21, 2023, from 4 PM - Boarding Schools & Summer Schools from Great Britain

Stanford & Ackel school fair for English and Scottish boarding schools and summer schools on Thursday, September 21, 2023, from 4 PM in Munich.


Information Event in Munich, September 22, 2022, from 4 PM - Boarding Schools & Summer Schools from Great Britain

Stanford & Ackel school fair for British boarding schools and summer schools on September 22, 2022, from 4 PM in Munich.

Stanford & Ackel In House Schulmesse 2019 mit Aufnahmeleiter/-innen ausgewählter Internate und Summer Schools aus England und Schottland.

Corona Update – Summer Schools 2021

There is hope that most Summer Schools in the UK can take place this summer. Alternatives in Europe are also available.


Corona Update – Internate England

Starting March 8th, all schools in England will reopen! Learn about travel requirements, COVID tests, and support for Easter holiday arrangements.

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Brexit – Visum für Schüler in Großbritannien

What changes after Brexit for EU students? Visa requirements, processing times, and costs explained.

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