
Find out relevant information about boarding schools and summer Schools in England and Scotland

The UK Referendum - some reassurances from a British Boarding School perspective

Dauntsey's School - on Sailing Boat Jolie Brise

The academic year in England and Scotland has now come to an end

Roedean School - Schüler haben ihre Zeugnisse erhalten

Statement - Brexit Referendum

Dauntsey's School - Schuleigenes Segelschiff - Jolie Brise

A-Level reform makes the IB more attractive

Plymouth College - A-level vs IB

Applications to Boarding Schools 2016

King's Ely School - ein traditionsreiches englisches Internat

Sport Scholarships at UK Independent Schools

Oakham School successful hockey school in the UK.
Oakham School ist ein energetisches und bodenständiges IB Internat in England, das hervorragende akademische Ergebnisse erzielt.