Worksop College

Worksop College  - Schulcampus
"Semper ad Coelestia – Always unto the heavens"

Worksop College is an independent school situated on the edge of Sherwood Forest near Nottingham – made  famous by Robin Hood.  The boarding school is keen to develop resilient, adaptable, independent learners where there is healthy balance between academic attainment and a diverse experience outside the classroom. 

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There is a strong emphasis on extra-curricular activities where Hockey is the pre-eminent sport and the college has a fine tradition in producing national, international and club players. In 2016 there were three Old Worksopians in the England/Great Britain hockey setup: Adam Dixon, Sam Ward and Ollie Willars

Worksop College  - Sport


The college is constantly re-developing its facilities which now include a new Music School, two new computer centres, a Sports Hall, two flood-lit Astroturf’s, an 18 hole golf course, new Modern Languages and Food and Nutrition centres and the building of a new girls’ boarding house. Indeed, The House system plays a central role in the running of the college which reinforces the qualities of team work and leadership.

Worksop College  - Chor

Famous Alumni

Christopher Awdry (author famous for writing “Thomas the Tank Engine”), Richard Bacon (Broadcaster), Jack Buckner (European 5000m champion 1996), Ivor Roberts-Jones (sculptor who produced the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, London), Joe Root (Yorkshire and England cricketer), Chad Varah (Founder of The Samaritans)

Worksop College  - Schulgebäude

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